Parade of Publications
This is a list of over 65 publications authored by MOD and MPOD graduates! This was first collated and unveiled at the MOD/MPOD 40th Anniversary Celebration. Picture this: graduates actually did a conga line with everyone in the line holding a publication or two. The line danced up to the stage where program director Harlow Cohen was sitting and piled the papers up in a huge pile.
Help us bring this up to date! Do you have published work? Please let us know by emailing
Appreciative Inquiry
Carter Caroline: Misak J, Carter, C.
An Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Patient-Centered Medical Home Practice Change (2010). The Ohio Family PhysicianCarter Caroline: Ruhe MC, Bobiak SN, Litaker D, Carter CA, MS, Wu L, Schroeder C, Zyzanski SJ, Weyer SM, Werner JJ, Fry RE, Stange KC.
Appreciative inquiry for quality improvement in primary care practices. (2011). Qual Manag Health CareCarter Caroline: Carter, C, Ruhe MC, Weyer S, Litaker D, Fry RE, Stange KC
An appreciative inquiry approach to practice improvement and transformative change in health care settings. (2007). Qual Manag Health CareKrivanka, Richard
AI - A Powerful Process for Parish Listening & Plannning (2002). Twenty Third PublicationsKrivanka, Richard
Appreciative Inquiry in the Catholic Church- Comment by Rick Krivanka (2003). Thin Book PublishingKrivanka, Richard
Best Thing about My Parish (2002). Bayard IncRandolph, Loretta
Boards Using AI for Strategic Planning (2005). The Charity ChannelRandolph, Loretta
AI in Traditional World (2010). AI PractitionerRandolph, Loretta
Boards Discovering their Best (2005). The Charity ChannelRandolph, Loretta
From Challenge to Opportunity (2006). AI PractitionerZakariasen, Ken
Teaching Leadership and Organizational Change through an Appreciative Inquiry-driven Reflective Process (2013). Common GroundZakariasen, Ken
Developing Vision and Strategy Using an Appreciative Inquiry (2006). Common Ground
Airey, Earle III
The Value of Reflection in Change Management (2015). Linked In PulseCarter Caroline: Bobiak SN, Zyzanski SJ, Ruhe MC, Carter CA, Ragan B, Flocke SA, Stange KC, Litaker D
Measuring practice capacity for change: a tool for guiding quality improvement in primary care settings. (2009). Qual Manag Health CareDuvall, Cheryl
Change is on the Wind: Managing Change for a New Landscape (2014). Maple Creek MediaYerkes, Leslie, Randy Martin, et al.
They Just Don't Get It!: Changing Resistance Into Understanding, (2005). Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Creagh, Carl
How a Culture of Commitment to Respect Enhances Quality (2013). American College of Radiology, ElsevierYerkes, Leslie
Changing the Conversation: Transforming the Industrial Culture (2001). Arcelor-Mittal
Emotional Intelligence
Airey, Earle III , 10 Steps Towards Greater Awareness (2016). Linked In Pulse,
Stoller, James K., MD
EI Comptencies (2013). InformaStoller, James K., MD
Emotional Intelligence and Physician Leadership Potential, a Longitudinal study supporting a link (2016). AUPHAJohnson, Joretha
Success Strategies From Women in STEM: Negotiating with Emotional Intelligence (2015). Academic Press
Airey, Earle III
Servant Leadership Is Not For the Weak (2015). Linked In PulseDuff, Susan
Transforming Joplin Leaders with Blended OD Design Post Tornado (2014). OD Practitioner, Vol. 46 No. 2Randolph, Loretta
Leadership Through Partnership (2006). Academy of Human Resources DevelopmentStoller, James K., MD
Help Wanted, Developing Clinician Leaders (2014). SpringerlinkStoller, James K., MD
Physician Leadership Development at CCF (2016). Sage PublishingStoller, James K., MD
A Systematic Review of Physician Leadership and EI (2014). ACGMEStoller, James K., MD
Leadership in OD in Health Care (2011). Emerald GroupStoller, James K., MD
Developing a Leadership Pipeline (2014). SpringerlinkStoller, James K., MD
Developing Physician-Leaders Key Comptencies (2008). AUPHAStoller, James K., MD
Developing Physician-Leaders - A Call to Action (2009). SpringerlinkStoller, James K., MD
OD in Healthcare
Arroliga, Alejandro C., MD
Leadership in Health Care for the 21st Century (2014). Alliance for Academic Internal MedicineCreagh, Carl
Use of Value Stream Mapping to Improve Patient Flow (2013). Radiological Society of North AmericaStoller, James K., MD
A Review of Physician Turnover- Rates, Causes, Consequences (2004). Sage PublishingStoller, James K., MD
AAMC Case Study Association of American Medical CollegesStoller, James K., MD
Teamwork, Teambuilding and Leadership in Health Care (2011). Canadian Society of Respiratory TherapistsZakariasen, Ken
Developing a public health leadership graduate progrma responsive to a global perspective (2008). Emerald GroupZakariasen, Ken
Public Health Leadership: Building a Graduate Program and a Culture (2009). Common GroundZakariasen, Ken
Public health leadership education in North America (2010). Dove Press Open Access PublisherZakariasen, Ken
University of Alberta Academic Planning (2008). Common Ground
Organization Development (general)
Arroliga, Alejandro C., MDa
A Successful Multifaceted Strategy (2015). Mosby, ElsevierGreben, Adrienne (Talani)
ExpatKids (2005). The Expatriate Observer, ORC WorldwideKolwaski, Rita: Lyle Yorks, Joel H. Neuman and Daniel R. Kowalski
Lessons Learned from a 5-year Project within the VA (2007). Sage PublishingKolwaski, Rita, Lyle Yorks and Mariann Jelinek
The Workplace Stress and Aggression Project (2007). Sage PublishingMercier, David
A Beautiful Medicine - A Radical Look at the Essence of Health and Healing (2012). Still Pond PressRivenburgh, Diana
New Corporate Facts of Life (2013). AMACOMRandolph, Loretta
Applying Dialogue (2007). Academy of Human Resources DevelopmentSpengler, Sarah
Do Community Development NPOs care about OD (2002). Organizational Development NetworkVasilakes, Argerie; Luechtefeld, Ray
Transforming Ourselves to Transform Our Organizations: Insights About an Internal Practice Community OD Practitioner
Airey, Earle III
Seething towards failure (2015). Linked In PulseAirey, Earle III
Success - Charity Lost Opportunities (2015). Linked In PulseAirey, Earle III
What are ethics (2014). Linked In PulseAirey, Earle III
What do you believe (2014). Linked In PulseArroliga, Alejandro C., MDa
Teaching Metacognitive Skills (2015). Alliance for Academic Internal MedicineCarter Caroline: Carter, C, Ruhe MC, Weyer S, Litaker D, Fry RE, Stange KC
A systematic approach to practice assessment and quality improvement intervention tailoring (2009). Qual Manag Health CareCarter, Caroline: Litaker D, Bobiak S, Latigo M,Carter C,Ruhe M, Stange KC. . [ePub 9/24/08] , 2008; 47:635-637.
Correlates of baseline performance do not predict results of an intervention to improve preventive care (2008). Prev MedPek, Andrew
Stimulated!: Habits to Spark Your Creative Genius at Work (2008). Greenleaf BooksStoller, James K., MD
The Influence of Mentorship (2009). SpringerlinkYerkes, Leslie
Fun Works: Creating Places Where People Love to Work (2007). Berrett-Koehler PublishersYerkes, Leslie and David Hemsath
301 Ways to Have Fun At Work, (1997). Berrett-Koehler PublishersYerkes, Leslie
Beyond Kicks & Carrots: Motivation in the 21st Century, (2008). Norma Sustenere Publishers, LLCYerkes, Leslie
When The World Trade Center Towers Fell From The Sky, Did Our Personal Lives Fall With Them?: A Fusion of Fun, Work, Creativity and Satisfaction Is Needed More Than Ever Before. (2000). (Ebook)Yerkes, Leslie, Charles Decker, et al.
Beans: Four Principles for Running a Business in Good Times or Bad, (2003). Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Graduate Index
Airey, III, Earle MPOD 8
Arroliga, Alejandro C., MDa MPOD 9
Carter, Caroline MPOD 4
Creagh, Carl MPOD 2
Duff, Susan MPOD 3
Duvall, Cheryl, MPOD 1
Greben (Talani), Adrienne MOD 11
Johnson, Joretha MPOD 5
Kowalski, PhD Rita MPOD 1
Krivanka, Rick MOD 3
Mercier, David MPOD 2
Pek, Andrew MOD 6
Randolph, Loretta MOD 6
Rivenburgh, Diana MPOD 4
Spengler, Sarah MOD 6
Stoller, MD, James MOD 13
Vasilakes, Argerie MPOD 5
Yerkes, Leslie MOD 7
Zakariasen, Ken MOD 13