"Leadership Hubris"

I'm learning more about "Leadership Hubris" and it's impact on organizations. I've recently re-discovered this important issue. Starting with the Daedalus Trust's website: http://www.daedalustrust.com/ which then led me to their newer site the Hubris Hub (sort of like the AI Commons for Hubris studies): https://www.thehubrishub.com/ For you early MPODs, Ashridge was associated with the Daedalus Trust and still seems to be connected! There is some really interesting stuff here that helps illuminate a common pitfall for leaders. This info will be useful to me in leadership development work and in coaching leaders. It might be useful for you too!


The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief (Weller, 2015)


Check out The Culture Code (Coyle)